Spanish Frame Info...

This information is by no means complete and will be added to as and when new information on the Spanish built Lambrettas is ascertained. It will however, give you a good start point.

Series 2.

  • Li 150: Built from 1960 - 1964 - frame numbers start at 000001 and run up to 045001+
  • Li 125: Built from 1961 - 1964 - at present no frame number info is available
  • TV 175: Built from 1963 - 1964 - at present no frame number info is available
  • Li 150 (Winter): built from 1964 - 1965 - frame numbers start 040001
  • Li 125 (Winter): built from 1964 - 1965 - at present no frame number info is available

Series 3.

  • TV 175 (Winter): built from 1964 - 1965 - frame numbers start at 530001
  • TV 175: built from 1964 - 1965 - at present no frame number info is available
  • Li 125: built from 1965 - 1973 - frame numbers start at 200001
  • Li 150 Special: built from 1965 - 1973 - frame numbers start at 060001
  • Li 150 Special: built from 1966 - 1974 - frame numbers start at 300001
  • Li 150 Special: built from 1974 - 1979 - frame numbers start at 317401
  • Li 150 Special: built from 1979 - 1980 - frame numbers start at 325001
  • Jet 200: built from 1966 - 1971 - frame numbers start at 550001
  • Jet 200: built from 1971 - 1980 - frame starts at 550001
  • Series 80 200: built from 1980 - 1982 - no frame number information at present
  • Series 80 150: built from 1981 - 1983 - no frame number information at present
  • Series 80 125: built from 1981 - 1983 - no frame number information at present
  • Lynx 125: built in 1983 - no frame number information available
  • Lynx 150: built in 1983 - no frame number information available
  • Lynx 200: built in 1983 - no frame number information available
  • SX 125: built from 1984 - 1990 - frame numbers start 880001
  • SX 200E: built from 1984 - 1990 - no frame number information known at present

Spanish Brochure for the Li 150 Special.